Saturday, December 13, 2008

How Compassionate is Louisiana?

Compassion Index
110th Rating
110th Search Results

Senator Barack Obama (DEM) IL 100%
And President Elect!!!!!!!

Rating for Louisiana

Senator Mary Landrieu (DEM) LA 33%
Senator David Vitter (REP) LA 0%

House Representative , District
110th Rating
Rodney Alexander (REP) LA-5 0%
Richard Baker (REP) LA-6 0%
Charles Boustany (REP) LA-7 0%
Don Cazayoux (DEM) LA-6 0%
William Jefferson (DEM) LA-2 38%
Bobby Jindal (REP) LA-1 13%
Jim McCrery (REP) LA-4 0%
Charlie Melancon (DEM) LA-3 13%
Steve Scalise (REP) LA-1 0%

The Compassion Index (CI) tracks and rates members’ positions on a number of key animal protective measures, both good and bad. Tracked bills and issues are chosen by a number of criteria including their potential impact on the animals in question, the likelihood of the legislation moving and the desire to cover a range of issues affecting a cross-section of animals (wildlife, laboratory animals, animals used in agriculture, those used for sports and entertainment, etc.). While most legislation included is beneficial to animals, the CI may also rate legislation harmful to animals which, if cosponsored, would assign a negative rating to supporters. With the CI's real-time feature, new bills may be added at any time in the Congress.
powered by Capitol Advantage ©2008. For more information please contact AWI at:
Animal Welfare Institute, PO Box 3650, Washington, DC 20027(703) 836-4300 /(888) 260-2271.

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